Sessions available and prices
Intro Swim
Introduction Class for your dog to try the pool for the first time, these classes are open to all dogs and puppies. We ask that this be the first class you book, so that between us, we can assess your dog in the surroundings and in and around the pool. These Classes are also used for the more nervous dog or the dog that needs more time, with a maximum of 2 dogs per class from the same household.
All clients MUST have completed a Registration form for each and every dog attending, without this your session will NOT be booked or confirmed, FULL payment for this session MUST also be made 48 prior to the session.
We allow sessions to be cancelled up to 24 hours prior, and these can be rescheduled, missed or cancelled appointments within 24 hours of the sessions, are payable in FULL.
£25 per Pup/Dog
General Swim
Classes for all dogs that happily swim, these classes let your dog swim off the ramp or jump from the deck and giving them some general pool exercise and water fun. With a maximum of 5 dogs per session.
£20 per Dog
Please NOTE General Swim sessions are only for dogs that are happy to mix with other dogs, and they are not anxious or scared around other dogs, and are able to swim unaccompanied.
Aqua Pups
For all pups and young dogs up to 6 months old, after their Intro Swim, with a maximum of 4 pups per class.
£20 per Pup/Dog
1-2-1 Swim*
These sessions are for any dog that needs that extra special care, as they maybe Reactive or need that extra space around other dogs. Only ONE Dog is allowed in these sessions.
£30 per Dog
Private Hire
This allows you to hire the pool just for you own Dog or a group of Dogs. This can be used for Family Dogs, Friends, Parties or Clubs.
£35 for first (1st) Dog, for each additional dog please add £10 each.
(i.e. First dog £35, plus £10 for 2nd = £45, 3 dogs would be £55).
We can offer a BULK SESSION DISCOUNTS, which are pre-paid and will be applied to the owner rather than the dogs themselves, this way if you have multiple dogs in your household you can spread the discount across all of your dogs.
ALL DISCOUNTS MUST BE PRE-PAID and are as follows:
5 Sessions Pre-Paid = 5% Discount.
10 Sessions Pre-Paid = 10% Discount.
15 Sessions Pre-Paid = 15% Discount.
20 Sessions Pre-Paid = 20% Discount.
All PRE-PAID SESSIONS will be email to you directly, upon FULL Receipt of payment and are valid for 12 months from date of purchase and may be book as and when required, subject to session availability.
Bank Details:
We ask that all Customers pay at least 48 hours before their sessions, this is to secure the booking of your session.
Bank details are as followed:
Account Name: Canine Aqua Centre Limited
Account Sort Code: 30-90-89
Account Number: 33585360
Reference: Your dogs name and date of session
Please Note:
- Please do NOT feed your dog/pup at least 2 hours prior to any session.
- Please make sure your dog/pup has been to the toilet prior to their session. (You may be charged for any clean up caused by your dog fouling within our centre).
- Please clear up after your dog, outside our centre and along our road.
- Please bring your dogs own towels to dry them and a warm fleece, cover or coat for them to travel home in.
- ALL DOGS MUST have attended an Intro Swim, prior to booking other session, this excludes 1 To 1 Sessions and Private Hire.
Intro Swim allows for up to 2 dogs per session & Aqua Pups allows for up to 4 puppies per session.
- General Swims, may have up to 5 Dogs.
- Only ONE Dog may attend a 1 To 1 Session.
Private Hire, please Text or Email us with ALL Dogs attending Details and use of the Session, especially if booked for a Dogs Birthday Party, so that we can make additional arrangements if needed.
All session will last a maximum of 30 minutes, this includes arrival and departure time.
We recommend that NO DOG uses the pool for more than 20 minutes each, as 5 minutes of swimming is about the same as a 5 mile hard walk.
Group sessions maybe on a rotation bases, depending on the dogs in the session.
Please note that all sessions will be kept on strict time and we ask that you arrive on time for your session.
We are allowing ONE owner PER dog in the pool with their dogs.
There is limited space within our centre, please feel free to bring cages for your dog to help if you need to change clothes.
Due to the size of our centre and parking, we can only accommodate the people that have booked and CANNOT offer a drop-in service at present.
- CANCELLATIONS AND RE-SCHEDULED APPOINTMENTS, please note that if you need to cancel a session or re-schedule the session, please give us as much notice as possible, sessions cancelled less the 24 hours prior, will be charged, we cannot offer a refund or credit. ALL Sessions MUST be PRE-PAID.